Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Accentuate the positive

Why is it that so many Christians spend all of their time going on about correcting the errors of others rather than accentuating and talking about the positive theology, lifestyles and attitudes that are out there?

I'm fed up to the my eye-teeth with reports of tattooed ex-biker's spouting tosh and 'big names' being berated for books and videos advertising same. I asked various people in our church what they though about Rob Bell and all of them remembered him don his white suit and embark on his clean-up campaign. Needless to say that this was martin Bell they were thinking of!

I was stopped by someone in town last week, they asked me what I thought of the dis-fellowshipping by Mike Bickle of someone or other (whom I'd never heard of) and had I heard about Paul Cain (a man I have met and know) and something or other.

I had to say that:

a. I hadn't,

b. I didn't want to,

c. It had no relevance to the work I am engaged in.

Odd that those in the church I belong to would have no idea about it either and that they would probably also answer a, b and c as I had.

A plea to those who are interested in the stuff, why not stop blogging the negatives and find positive stuff to blog? There must be so many sound people and the best way to publicise the Rob Bells of this world is to write about them endlessly, encouraging people to buy the books and watch the films so that they too can be appalled and take umbrage (others to take umbrage (or any other brown colouring) and mount their high horse to ride,cavalry-like, alongside them.

A little less cavalry and a little more calvary might be in order.

Now, who's writing good stuff, putting out some edifying videos and seeking to blees people with Biblical stuff?

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