Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Libya - Invitation to a holy war?

Having watched Gaddafi's broadcast to the world and his invitation to the Muslim world to come and join a 'holy war' against the 'Crusaders' and his denouncement of those who are acting against his unlawful acts against Libya's populace in the words, "This assault ... is by a bunch of fascists who will end up in the dustbin of history," make for interesting news indeed.

Gaddafi's words were accompanied by his firing rounds into the air and a firework display . . meanwhile in Misrata medical facilities are stretched to breaking point and the city is pinned down by tanks and snipers. Talk about fiddling whilst Rome burns, the man's obviously lost the plot.

Meanwhile some of those who supported the resolution that seek to impose a no fly zone are losing the taste for the thing because of the bombing raids. What they don't seem to realise is that the making of a cake requires the breaking of a few eggs and unless the air is made safe, coalition aircraft cannot fly and unless the ability to control ground forces is much restricted, then the inhabitants will remain at risk. The key here is the taking out of legitimate targets and an eye to protecting the civilians and the maintenance of proportionality.

It is the move of a desperate man to seek to bring others to his defence in the name of Islam and hopefully the intelligence and resolve of the Arab League and the Organisation of the Islamic Conference will hold fast - they have acted wisely with compassion and intelligence to the fore and I pray this will continue.

This is not a holy war but a moral battle and we must ensure that we do not cross the line as we seek to bring safety to the people of Libya and the opportunity for them to have a voice in the future of their nation.


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