Tuesday, 22 March 2011

The Religious - A dying breed

I am expecting to see panic stricken Christians and jubilant secularists running around in circles screaming about the impending demise of 'religion'. The reason for this is a study based on census data from nine different countries which predicts that 'religion' is set to be a thing of the past before too long.

Over the past hundred years of the census results that were used there has been an increase in those who claim to have no religious affiliation and this, extrapolated would result in a demise of religion. But of course this is merely a 'suggestive result' and is, as I understand it, a likely as Jesus returning on the 21st of May!

Still, the reality is not as exciting as the headlines and of course 'non religious' is a rather large catch all which says nothing, for it seems to me that the 'non religious' are often more 'religious' than people of faith. Not only that but they are generally more superstitious too!

So let's not panic,we're just letting the sand settle before we get down to the business of being Church and don't believe what you read, the rumours of our death have been greatly exaggerated!

Funny that, same thing happened to Jesus!


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