Sunday 31 July 2011

Jacob, bread, fish and Israel

What a day for cool readings:

Jacob, contends with God and refuses to let go and (as usual) gets the blessing.
Have you noticed that regardless of how people bill him, Jacob always gets the blessing?
But with blessing comes a limp, or a whale, or prison, or execution!
Being blessed isn't always the blessing those who moan about not having it appears to be.
But that's the key, struggle with God and don't let go and eventually the struggle ends
With a blessing!!!

But when you have a blessing, God calls you to pass it on.
Jesus blesses the bread and fish and passes it on to His followers, who
Pass it on to those who are hungry (physically, spiritually, morally - health wise).
When you have something that Jesus has blessed, you pass it on.
We have nothing in our hands except that which God has given us,
And if jesus has blessed it and the Holy Spirit inspires us
(and we listen to that voice of inspiration)
The blessing is passed on.

And so, having been blessed and passed that blessing on,
We remember that we are grafted on to the parent flower,
The Rose of Sharon,
And we pray for the salvation of the spiritual nation of Israel,
And the coming of the Christ, the Messiah.
First time for them - second time for us - celebration for all.

Simple this lectionary business, isn't it?

Genesis 32.22-31 - Romans 9.1-5 - Matthew 14.13-21


Shoshanah said...

What's the first time for 'them'? Am confused here.

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

The one they missed when they stuck Him on a bit of wood - just didn't measure up to their expectations I reckons!.

Shoshanah said...

The first salvation. ok, my small brain. I think they wanted a political revolution and not what they got eh! Sent you an email earlier today. Hope it is ok and that all is well.