Thursday 14 July 2011

See how these Christians loathe one another

Talking about church and the business of factions, politics and division a while back with other church people recently, one of them came up with an interesting, yet earthy, summation of the business of church business meetings:

Open in prayer - Close in prayer - Shit in between!

I don't often include such terminology because I don't want to offend, but having heard of some meetings, the collateral damage, the wounding of non-combatants and innocents this does appear to be an accurate and perhaps kind summation of some of the goings!

Too often we find people who engage in stuff that just isn't Church! Put any bunch of people together and we will find control freaks, tradtionalists, movers and shakers (they shake people up and they move away!) and more besides. Ordinary humans who need to be dealt with with grace and humility and need to be taught to do the same to others (by example, not just words).

Church needs to live within the Law of active Churchmanship (whoo hoo, kept the acronym LOAC) in that we remember in all our dealings with each other, these few simple rules:

Proportionality: We make the point but we don't kill the innocent, or the guilty, when we encounter a problem within our church setting. It appears that all too often the response of some in church is to make the punishment exceed the crime rather than fit it. Then again, having discovered what e consider error we are called to forgive (70*7?) not to crucify - only needs one act of crucifixion to redeem the whole world!

Collateral damage: If one innocent is taken out, the whole world dies. Now if Islam can get this right (although don't see it preached that often) how much more should those who claim to be Christians take note of, and live within, this? If by our actions, attitudes or responses we cause others to stumble then their blood (or lack of salvation in this case perhaps) is on our hands. We don't shoot their wounded and we most certainly don't shoot our own (despite the church's billing.

Restoration: Brothers, if you find someone doing it wrong, those of you who are spiritual should restore them 'gently' because if you don't then you have caused yourself to sin as well. What's the point of being right and making yourself wrong so that neither of you learn and the relationship is broken?

God calls us to live in relationship with each other, taking joy in the image of the unseen God made visible in the brother (or sister) who stands before you as a reflection of Christ, God incarnate. Words of peace and correction for errors made show us to be in possession of Christlike characteristics, for who is there to condemn others when we are told to go and sin no more?

Humility, justice and mercy are the hallmarks of a person who knows, loves and serves God and these, tinged with thanks that God doesn't treat us as we treat others, make for a body that accepts the weaknesses and errors in others, leads them from them into something better and builds a Church of living stones brought together by Grace and held together by Love.

I'll be extra careful next week when we have our Church Council meeting - can't preach it without practising it, can i?


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