Wednesday 16 April 2014

It's not promotion!

I've been running as the acting Vicar of the parish for six months now and it's generally been a time of challenge, joy and great blessing. To act as Vicar in a parish of four church buildings, and especially doing services in the marvellous centrepiece of the parish that is St Editha's, has been a one of the high spots of my ministry life. The blessing of Christmas and the many carol services and, of course, the midnight service - the challenge of having produced some twelve services to see me reach Easter Sunday evening (where at 6:30 we will have our final communion of the day) - the joy of being around so many people whom I see as friends and family rather than parishioners.

Yes, it's been a great six months.  BUT (has to be one doesn't there?)

I have had so many people who assume that 'promotion' into the Vicar's post permanently is something that should just happen as a fait accompli. The more I speak of finding the 'right person' the more people say, 'It's you!' and when play a game of (intellectual and emotional) seesaw. 'I'm looking for God's idea not good ideas,' I protest, but some will not hear of it.

As a minister of the Gospel, one of the greatest challenges when it comes to moving into a new ministry role is to know that you are the right person for that job (and that it is the right job for you and your family too). This is of paramount importance for to be the wrong person is to damage the work of God (and perhaps the members too) in that place, perhaps fatally!

So, to the many who have engaged me regarding the vacancy - first and foremost - Thank You for your interest and encouragement, it is always welcome, can I ask that you pray for the right person to take up that role. For as psalm 127 rightly states: 'Unless the Lord builds the house the labourers labour in vain.'
one of my favourite images

For those of you who don't know the parish of Tamworth and St Editha's, the parish church, take a look at the new presence (* and perhaps think about paying the town of Tamworth a visit - it is a fantastic town with a great history and a great future too.

And please, pray for the search for a new Vicar that the right person might be found and thank you for the support and encouragement :-)


*I know there are still some glitches and some of the old site exists, I haven't quite finished writing it all yet (someone said Easter's coming!)

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