Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Wars, earthquakes and Famines

"Jesus told them, “Don’t let anyone mislead you, for many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah.’ They will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately. Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world. But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come." Matthew 24: 4 - 8

Having read around I find people 'prophetically' (I'm sure this should be 'pathetically') telling us that God has revealed to them that the earthquake that has stricken Japan is God's revenge for:

1. Pearl Harbour,

2. Supporting the Palestinians,

3. Standing against, and criticising the israelis. And,

4. Being the most godless place on earth*

I have to say that I was surprised that Karaoke wasn't on the list, but perhaps other people enjoy talentless, tuneless renditions of popular songs (I know Vicars who sing them on Sundays too!).

In this, the first quarter of 2011 we have had

Earthquakes 8
6.9 Argentina (January 1)
5.2 - China (January 1)
7.1 - Chile (January 2)
7.0 - Argentina (January 3)
7.1 - Iran (January 3)
4.5 - California (January 12)
6.3 - New Zealand (February 21)
8.9 - Japan (March 11)

Floods 4
Australia (January 3)
Brazil (January 6)
Indonesia (January 12)
Japan (March 11)

Conflicts (loads)
Egypt - Yemen - Bahrain - Libya - Saudi (and many others, plus of course wars too!)

And then we have scores of stories about dead fish, birds falling to the ground, dead and other weird 'natural' ecological disasters.

Seem to me that rather than point the finger at God's wrath and judgment it might be more profitable to warn people that the sell by date on this planet is nearing its time!


* Japan-Israel Connection? Is Japan also still the most Godless Nation on earth? By Chris Moore:

Last Night before I slept, I asked myself was there some connection with Israel-anything we had missed-which might have triggered this earthquake at this time? I Wasn't Expecting the Lord to reply-I was just Curious - so what Came to me I presumed was my own Impression - Because Immediately on asking-I Felt a strong Impression coming to me.." Financial and Political" All I Knew was the next day I had to do a search..On waking I did this and found it Immediately - do and believe as you will with what I found -I thought it was Interesting! It might still have been my Impression? but what isn't or wasn't my Impression was the report below(below the first Link) which happened about 48 hours before the Earthquake.. (there is no doubt also that Japan has been called recently the most Godless Nation on earth according to A RECENT Readers digest Poll-the most Materialistic-UK was second on that list If You've Got Nothing Worth Dying For, You've Got Nothing ...


Bob said...

There is one absolute certainty in all the debate about the end times - we are one day nearer the second coming today than we were at the same time yesterday.

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

That's that answer I give, regardless of theology or eschatological interpretation, each day is a day nearer.

At least we're sound!

Thanks Bob

Anonymous said...

And despite what Harold Camping would have you believe, May 21st is just as likely a day as any other. His cult has now been gathering followers in our country, and region!