Friday 30 December 2011

So who's naked?

This morning I heard one of my favourite Warren Buffet quotes used in a news item:

"You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out."

This erudite observation is one that I immediately took to myself as it concisely acknowledged a reality that I too have noted and also commented on, but less politely perhaps. For I have stood shoulder to shoulder with people in a variety of settings and sat in gatherings (or merely watched or read about them) and thought to myself, "This is someone who is going to fall majestically,"" or perhaps more uncharitably, "Wow, what a snake oli salesman this one is!".

I have watched (and even worked with) some of the 'big hair, big teeth, flashy gold' televangelists and sighed as tattoo-bedecked 'biker' styled preachers peddled their wares. I have seen those wonderfully sound, and controlling, Christians who have folded at the first crisis within their life. I have seen those who preached on a Sunday but for the rest of the week displayed their weakness.

It is an interesting reality that to some degree all of us are naked, but some of us acts as is this were not the case and never give a thought to whether or, more accurately, when the tide will turn. There are so many that I encounter in and out of church life who enjoy today without fear of what might be exposed when that which covers their nakedness is removed.

So as we head towards a new year can I be a little cheeky and ask you what the tide is covering for each of us?

As we preach, pontificate and puff ourselves up can I ask what there is that we would rather is not exposed to the gaze of all should the tide turn and can I suggest that we seek to clothe ourselves in righteousness to redress the paucity of our own reality?

Now I know that that which is past is past but we can learn from it, repent of it, as forgiveness for it and resolve never to repeat those past follies. I know that we are 'all weak' but that is merely acknowledging a reality not embracing an excuse which provides a caveat which allows us to continue.

The tide is turning - what's covering your nakedness I wonder?


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