Friday 30 December 2011

Tamworth Borough Council - A tip of the hat

I often find myself frustrated by the actions of government (local and national) and many of the statutory bodies but when you see something done, and done well, it is only right and proper that you acknowledge it. So I am giving a round of applause to the housing department of Tamworth Borough Council (TBC) for their managing to provide a solution for one of the homeless (they do exist in Tamworth despite the claims of some that there are none!) and provide it well.

Not only that but they managed to do it the day before Christmas Eve (Christmas Eve Eve?) and did a thoroughly professional job in the walk round and hand over phase of the process too.

I need also to recognise the work of Bromford in the whole process.

It is good to see the system work and work well - not always the case I'm sure but when it does it needs to be recognised because after all, the whole area of housing is one of depleted social housing stock, people trying to portray things as they aren't and great competition, all of which adds up to pressure for those who are employed at the coal face. So to them - THANK YOU for a job well done.


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