Monday 12 December 2011

Weird & Wacky Christmas Stuff - 12

This morning's offering is one of those wonderful novelty items which at first glance, or perhaps more accurately hearing and wearing, feels like a really great idea. You put on the relevant item of clothing and have a sly chuckle to yourself at the merriment it (or they) will bring to everyone you meet.

Yes indeedy, it's the musical Christmas socks and tie! They play a random Christmas medley and the tie even has flashing LEDs embedded within it it. How could this fail to be anything but the item that gets you voted 'The Jolliest Christmas Person' in your workplace?

Well, they are fun but having worn such a tie on the same day I was called in to an ad hoc Senior Manager's meeting I can tell you that the novelty very quickly wears off and one's stock with those upstairs slides quite rapidly. The same was true of the sock which were great fun when I first sat in my normal seat on the train but were, by the time we'd reached Broxbourne (three stops), starting to drive those struggling with their morning crossword just a little bit over the edge.

So, this is the ideal gift for that person with whom you are vying for promotion. Get them a pair of socks or a tie )or make sure you really take the lead, buy them both!). If you're competing for the office beauty, buy the competition something musical and watch yourself grow in favour! (get them here)

I was going to say that, thankfully, you can't get musical dogcollars but I was wrong as the tiresome cleric with one that played ar random intervals those Christians standards of 'We wish you a Merry Christmas' and 'Jingle Bells' demonstrated only too well. To make things worse, they were wearing a shirt that looked like it had been designed by the Pavement Pizza company!

Yeuk (on both counts)

Gotta go, need to order a couple for the Wardens ;)


Anita@ dreaming beneath the spires said...

You know who would really appreciate your posts on Christmas? C.S. Lewis would

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

Anita - thanks for comment - Read your Lewis post when you put it up and have shared it with a few friends.

One of my biggest joys when a student was to visit the Bird and Baby as a fan of the Inklings in general and Jack in particular.

Thanks again,
