Monday 15 December 2014

C of E to groom talent for top jobs (2)

I began the first post in this series noting that when this item appeared in the Church Times the response from some (now many) of those with whom I engage was, 'No change there then!' The reason for this was that it seems one of the qualifications for the 'top jobs' was having attendance a good school and Oxbridge.

The second part of the (as yet unpublished) report: 'Talent Management for Future Leaders and Leadership Development for Bishops and Deans: A new approach' is perhaps a little more unsettling as it not only extends the people who receive training under its recommendations but engages with them up to five years before appointment.

What, Who and When?

The report recommends that training so that the people are 'fit for role' (my term) is offered to those who are to be be considered potential  bishops, deans, archdeacons, incumbents of large churches and heads of mission societies - takes place before appointment. Up to five years before appointment.

It is recommended that a 'talent pool' (their term) of up to one hundred and fifty 'high-potential individuals' is established. The pool members will then undergo two years of 'intensive, modular training' after which they will join senior staff teams to learn 'how to run a diocese' and undertake projects of relevance to the national church. During the training, pool members will be assessed and grouped into four categories:

Early promise

Exceptional potential

Ready to be promoted

Potential not reached: Asked to leave the pool!

Those who are ready to roll will have their names passed to appointing committees and then, ignoring all the applause, the job will be regarded as having been a good'un.

Better still, pool members will form an 'alumni network' who apart from supporting each other (no there aren't any handshakes Bob!) will also act as mentors and coaches for future leaders.

The goals of the report in a nutshell:

Contributing to the Common Good, in essence involvement in local and national politics;
Reshaping ministry, i.e. developing the gifts of lay and ordained people;
Leading the Church for growth, implementing best practice for spiritual and numerical growth.

All great goals - no complaints with them at all.

It's Urgent!

Here's a quote from the report which says it all:

'So often in the face of real opportunity, many organisations, including the Church, do too little too late. We 'get there late,' as it were. Our commitment is to 'get there early,' while there is still time for imaginative response, agility, and a range of possibilities."

Hopefully I have presented a true and balanced account of the report (which I understand will be out in early January) - the third post in this series will be my (and hopefully some of your your) reflections.



Adam said...

Part of me cannot help feeling we are going along a road of elitism here.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Looks like a return to dominance by clergy dynastic powers, public school elitism (where did the AB go again?) and secret handshakes. Many years back I had a friend whose grandfather and father were both bishops and he is also what you would call a senior clergyman as well. merely a return to traditional values and practices.