Thursday, 22 April 2010

Britain's got Politics

I am slowly despairing of this election on the grounds that it is becoming more and more like the celebrity dance, sing or whatever shows that cause me to turn my television off almost every weekend. Now it seems that we're going to vote according to the reality television/talent show model. The only thing missing is the fact that we don't have to phone in to vote (but don't say that too loud, it's a great way of taxing the voter for the privilege).

As someone who is working frantically to ensure that Friday the thirtieth of April sees a hustings take place in Tamworth I have become even more interested in politics that is usual for me. I am more aware of what is being done by the candidates and their supporters and more aware that many of those who have a vote will either fail to use this right or will vote on a whim.

What worries me is that many of the Christians I speak to are more keen to see a government they think will put more money into their pocket than they are to see a government that supports Christian values and standards. I'm not pointing the finger at any one party standing neither am I singling out any individual either, but I am asking all those who read this to ask the right questions of their candidates regarding doing what is right within a Christian framework.

A few for instances:

One person was promoting a particular party and their candidate and when it was pointed out that they were vehemently against any 'pro life' issue they responded that that wasn't an issue, having their party in was all that mattered.

Another person was putting forward an opinion that said that those who were in them poverty-ridden slums of Birmingham probably deserved to be there and that everyone should vote for the party he favoured as it would benefit those who had because they worked for it!

More worrying was the person who told me that we needed to send all immigrants home and have jobs and homes for the English (which means that the Welsh, Scottish and Irish would have to go too I presume).

What is the Church teaching when Christians can come up with views like this? How do we stand against such attitudes?

Answer's easy - love, honesty, Bible and prayer. Let's get out there and make a difference (Please).

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Perhaps people do not relate their Political views to their professed faith in God?

I know that a couple of years ago, I might have voted Tory, having been disappointed in Labour (having voted for them in 1997) but now I feel strongly that Social Justice and poverty are just two of the issues facing us - and what is being done about it? Very little that I can see - and party proposals to deal with it are without very much substance, but backed by lots of promises.

Voting by conscience might be old fashioned but so far as I can see it the only valid vote.

I hope that all Christians would think of that, rather than what would advantage them personally.