Tuesday 20 April 2010

For God's sake?

There are times when I despair of the Christian world and more specifically those within it. I am so grateful that we have a God who cares, is involved and who doesn't give up on us, especially when I see the way that so many of us serve Him!

The fact that He continues to bless when so many of us continue to bleat, perhaps this is why Jesus used the sheep analogy for us!

The fact that we have so many people who appear more keen to build their church or to be the best at [insert area of pride] even though in the world's eyes it isn't anything that special!

I meet so many people (at all levels within the Church) who seek to sow negatives, pull others down and stir the pot, creating and/or escalating conflict, and generally making lots of noise but doing very little.

The world is full of naysayers and people who will deny the Cross of Christ in their own lives and the lives of the wider Church by their action. It is full of people who appear to have lost the plot when it comes to being and fall even further back when it comes to doing (unless it is for themselves or their own little church).

If the Church is to be effective in a 'post Christian' setting it needs to be Church! The leaders need to be actively working together and the people need to be trained, equipped and released to be Church. The people who make up the Church, the laity, need to be active and to work with others to maximise their effectiveness and most of all to fellowship with one another.

A few things we need to consider:

i. What am I doing in my own life, what are my personal interests and ministry area that I could be doing more effectively if I were working with others from other churches in my area?

ii. Are there others in my church (or fellowship) who would be more successful or fulfilled by working with others? If so, how can I encourage them to work in a wider Christian setting?

iii. What is my church doing to work with the wider Church? How can I be that person who assists this and encourages others to stand with those outside our own walls?

Jesus is coming soon but rather than trying to look busy let's try to look like Church instead.



Agnostic said...

I wouldn't waste your time with church or those in it if I were you. All most of the Christians care about is their won little corner and what makes it cosy for them.

Those who are different from the majority find themselves ignored, put upon or having the piss taken out of them.

Thats why I left - better to do it on your own and have a relationship with God on his and your own terms rather than follow lazy pastors and dodgy leaders who do it to look good and feather their own nest.

Great blog - would be in your church if it was nearer.

UKViewer said...

Perhaps you blog highlights a lack of humility in some people - the issues are that there are failing churches - I have not been in one, but I am 'told' that they are out there.

I can only Thank God on how fortunate I am to belong to a vibrant lively Parish, spread over 5 villages - the rural nature of the communities seems to make them appreciate the role of the Church in their lives and even those who are not on the Electoral Roll, will support church led activities in their villages.

I believe that such outreach is vital to rural (and urban) communities - who are losing more and more services and becoming ever more isolated.

We share one of our Churches with the Methodist community and mutual attendance at each others Services is another part of the chemistry of life in the villages.

The fact that I am called to be in a Parish more than 50 miles away from my home - demonstrates my commitment to the Parish and community. We hope to move nearer in a year or two, but as my wife has a job here, we cannot afford to give up that at the moment.

A church local to me in North Kent is Evangelical in tradition, but has an active lay ministry (one reader training for Ordained Ministry on the OLM scheme) and does much outreach along with Churches Together in the community. Perhaps I should worship there (and I do occasionally) but I do not feel the call to their community in the same way - they are aware of my situation and have made me welcome without any resentment of my attending elsewhere.

They have offered prayers for my wife, who has just undergone major surgery and included us in their intercessions - this is love of each other in action.

When I hear of dysfunctional Churches I often wonder where they are? I think perhaps it is dysfunctional people, rather than the churches that need to be helped with love and support to see that their way, is not necessarily Jesus's way.