Saturday, 12 July 2014

There's six sorts of people in the world

Well that's my contention (plus a further four subcategories), which are:

a. Them what  knows what needs to be done - and does it

b. Them what knows what needs to be done - and tells people that they know it

c. Them what asks those what know what needs to be done what it is so they can do it

d. Them what might know what needs to be done but are never there to do it,

e. Them what come but do nothing, leaving before they get a job or spend too much time there, and

f. Them what are never there because:

  • It's not a Sunday 
  • It is a Sunday (but they're not down to do anything)
  • Regardless of when it is they just do stuff (full stop)
  • They had to be somewhere or do something or (insert really good reason) else

Today was one of those days when the church fayre too place and there were many type a & c people on display doing what needed to be done and giving up their time to welcome people into the church building and make drinks, serve cakes, run raffles, tombolas, cakes and bottle stalls, sell bric a brac, jewellery, books and sing, play the organ and ring bells and take people around the church and tell them stuff and sell tickets to climb the tower and run the church bookshop. There were people who were there doing stuff in the background (setting up, packing away, locking up, etc.)

These are the same old people (and goodness me - we're all getting older) who are always there and doing. The sort of people who are worth their weight in gold and need to be praised and prayed for (in equal) measure.

There were also some b people on display today (and it's merely serendipitous that they appear under the letter they do!) and these people (who neither ran stalls, set stuff up or did anything other than steal valuable oxygen from the a & c types and rabble rouse regarding. 'What could have been done!' But of course they know everything and yet . . . . (I'll let you fill in the blanks).

The d people weren't there - but of course they wouldn't be or else they'd be in a different group.

I didn't notice the e people , but then again if I did they'd have stayed too long and would have had a job!

The f people - now these are a challenge because they are like the waves upon the sand - every club and society has them (church is no different) - the are seen but pinning them down is a problem for all of us (it's not just Maria, Mother Superior!*).

So there you are - I have had a fantastic day meeting, greeting, encouraging, praying with and enjoying people and now, this scribbled (a <5min -="" :-="" blog="" entry="" for="" nbsp="" p="" so="" typos="" watch="">
People - you have to love them - Jesus tells us that!

PS. a,b,c,d or f - which one are you (and which should you be?)

* Sound of Music genetic issue at play - apologies

1 comment:

JonG said...

I can lay claim to sometimes being type g: I know what needs to be done, but may not have the slightest clue about how to go about doing it.
Lots of armchair sports fans fall into this category, though they seldom admit to the second part of the definition.